Laravel 4 generate not working :: solved

 There are no commands defined in the "generate" namespace.

solved by the below method :) 

Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require way/generators.
"require-dev": {
    "way/generators": "~2.0"
Next, update Composer from the Terminal:
composer update --dev
Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Openapp/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.

0 التعليقات :

Unable to guess the mime type as no guessers are available (Did you enable the php_fileinfo extension?) :: solved

Unable to guess the mime type as no guessers are available (Did you enable the php_fileinfo extension?)

solved by the below 

; linux

; windows

and then restart your localhost server or some times need to restart pc if you are using localhost:8000

i hope to be helpfully 

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اول مشاركة للتجربة :)

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